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About Christian Discount Shop

About Christian Discount Shop
Welcome to the best place to get quality Christian merchandise at discount and even below wholesale prices.

Larry Nemitz was born in Austin Minnesota in 1940. Became a partner in a newsstand bookstore with an older brother at age 17. Has owned several businesses over the years including a Hallmark Store and Swimming Pool Construction Co. Still a bachelor at 80 he now has an Internet store in Britt Iowa where he moved in 1999. Larry enjoys his 17 Great nieces and nephews, several living near by.

Salvation Testimony Message

I was twelve or thirteen years old, watching Billy Graham on my parent's black and white 15-inch Zenith TV. He said that Jesus was the Son of God who died for our sins and all who believed will receive eternal life. I believed the message. At that moment, a force came upon me like a surge of electric power running through my body. I was so very frightened that I tried to get the power to leave me. When it finally did, I felt relieved but wondered if I had rejected the Lord and had said no to the salvation message. I guess this concern didn't bother me too much because, for many years, I lived a life believing in God but not living for Him.

It wasn't until twenty years later that I really thought about God again. While working at my brother's and my bookstore, I had to reorder a particular book a number of times just to keep the shelves full. The book became the number one bestseller in the nation selling over forty million copies and is now available in nearly forty languages. You probably guessed the name by now. It's Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth. I finally read the book and believed everything in it, but then I just put it back on the shelf and mostly forgot about it. It must have had some effect on me, though, because five years later, I joined a church, became a member of the choir, and even a deacon, visiting people in hospitals and nursing homes. Overall, I became a very religious person, but I wasn't sure I was saved--not the way I remember Billy Graham explain it.

About ten years after first reading Lindsey's book and attending church regularly, I read it again, only this time I noticed an 800 number on the back for ordering tapes by the author. The end of each tape included a salvation message. I prayed to receive Jesus into my life over and over again. This time no power came upon me, and I wondered why. After eight to ten months of listening to his tapes and studying my Bible and asking Jesus into my life, I realized that even without the feeling of power, I was changing. I stopped swearing, stopped going to bars to meet the ladies, and I couldn't get enough of studying my Bible. A deep desire began to grow in me to share the salvation message in a way that people could relate to it. It took a while, but about ten years later, in the early 1990s, I started writing the book, The Pinedale Incident.

Well, that's the way I came to know the Lord. Maybe I was saved at twelve or thirteen, but I was definitely out of fellowship with Him until I read Hal Lindsey's book. The Lord knows for sure what happened to me on that day as a young lad. And even though I wandered away from Him, the Lord stayed faithful to me and brought me back to Jesus so that I can hopefully bring others to the knowledge of Him also. Remember Jesus Is The Reason!!

The Pinedale Incident Book is available on this website on Fiction the Book page.

165 Main Ave South
Britt, Iowa 50423

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