Relax And Restore, Get Well, Christian Greeting Cards,
Relax And Restore Get Well - 12 Greeting Cards

Relax And Restore Get Well - 12 Greeting Cards

12 Greeting Cards
3 Each of 4 Designs
Card size: 4&1/2" X 6&1/2"
With KJV Scripture
12 Envelopes
Qty.Price Ea.Sale Price Ea.
4 +$6.99$5.25

Product Description

Each Getwell well card will lift up the recipient, make them feel special, and let them remember that God is concerned about their wellness.

Card #1. Message on cover: Time to give yourself a break...

Inside Message: ...and renew your strength. Sending You Loving Thoughts.

Scripture, Seek peace, and pursue it. Psalm 34:14

Card #2. Message on cover: Moments to savor are always sweet...

Inside Message: ...when we take time for a little retreat! May God Show You His Favor Today.

Scripture, The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. Numbers 6:24

Card #3. Message on cover: Pamper yourself Today!

Inside Message: ...because things will look better tomorrow.

Scripture, I will help thee, saith the Lord. Isaiah 41:14

Card #4. Message on cover: Sit back and relax today...

Inside Message: ...knowing warmest thoughts are being sent your way.

Scripture, Rest yet for a little season. Revelation 6:11

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